A new style of whirling for a new kind of whirlers.
A new style of whirling for a new kind of whirlers.
The practice of whirling is aiming at nothing less than the experience of ecstasy. It achieves this through an endless turning on the spot that also symbolises the planets' orbit around the sun.
There are two kinds of consciousnesses according to ancient oriental beliefs: One is the everyday consciousness we all know, and then there is the consciousness of joy, of delirious ecstasy, that most children know before it gets compromised in the course of the socialization process, the process of gradual participation in society.
The Sufi dervish whirling tradition maintains the need to keep the route to the joyful source open in secrecy, mystically. They do this by among other ways, conjoining the delirious practice with the secret theology, by taking what all children do, that is turning frolicly on the spot until ecstatic and giving it a secret meaning commonly understood as the mystic way.
As a western psychotherapist I have found that this can be a unique healing process, relieving people from long standing issues. Combining Eastern and Western traditions originally, it is reconnecting people to the primal inner knowledge that great artists intuitively have, that is the continuity of the spectrum of feelings without the interruption of trauma and collective inhibition. From the polarity of dammed feelings to the exuberance of liberating ecstasy one finds there is an even course. In a few properly guided simple steps, one can start experiencing heaven by whirling around oneself. One can freely identify with the energy that carries us instead of identifying with personal limitations. With a little practice of a few sessions one can truly change their energy system. It is also a steady process towards better emotional, expressive or psychological health, depending on group orientation.
Lay people and artists especially find this enormously beneficial. They can get access to their emotional eloquence becoming articulate after a few lessons/ workshops. I have been pursuing this, giving classes the last 12 years in Athens London and Zurich with growing interest and participation. The accumulated experience has opened new and more accurate ways of tapping into fresh whirling energy. We have also given full performances with the Athens group 3 times already with full theatre and great audience ecstatic anticipation.
Whirling is a deep self-healing technique simple to master, affecting the physical, psychological and spiritual level. The ecstatic experience is attainable by everybody even beginners with proper guidance.
Like the spinning top that finds its vertical axis through centrifugal force, so does the human body, attaining stillness within movement giving the practitioner the feeling of equanimity, absolute stillness and bliss.